Sponsored Research Services
Listed companies can communicate with the buy-side through Baptista Research’s paid equity research coverage offering. Our paid equity research reports are distributed across all major financial platforms. We also provide a wide range of customized equity research, paid equity research reports and financial research outsourcing services to:
Sponsored Equity Research Services USA

1.Investment funds, hedge funds, and corporates on the buy-side looking to invest in stocks
2. Listed companies looking to have sponsored research coverage in order to help them expand their research coverage and reach a wide buy-side audience
3. Investor Relations Agencies and Corporate Communication Firms looking to get extended coverage for their listed clientele
In our paid equity research offering, we support listed companies in building and understanding an investment rationale, financial analysis, report writing, building high-quality financial models, carrying out absolute and relative valuation, as well as data collection and analysis. Our listed clients benefit from high quality, timely delivery and our unique on-demand equity research capabilities.
This makes it possible for our sponsored equity research clients to rapidly reach the buy side easily. Each sponsored research report prepared by us will be sent to our mailing list of dedicated sectoral buy-side readers (institutional readers). Our total institutional reader base has more than 4,000 pure buy-side professionals.
We are one of the few sponsored research providers that send out a dedicated email for your company alone for every key update and not emails comprising multiple companies like what most sponsored equity research providers do in the market.
Click Here To View Our Sample Sponsored Research Report!
Our detailed reports ideally include industry analysis, key investment rationale, management background, business, operating and financial performance, peer analysis, valuation, investment outlook and financial tables/exhibits.
Our paid equity research report services are particularly relevant for small-cap and microcap clients who prefer having an ongoing maintenance of their coverage universe and wish to reach out to the maximum possible buy-side firms. The models and reports of long-term coverage companies are updated for earnings releases, corporate actions, and material news/events.
We are also among the most transparent sponsored equity research service providers as we share the names and emails of all the buy-side personnel who have downloaded and read our client’s research reports from all our major financial platform partners. The fact that these buy-side professionals/ fund managers sought out the specific client’s reports on the platforms implies that they are excellent candidates for private placement type investments for future fundraises. In this way, we act as an excellent support system for investor relations agencies and investment banks.
Our reports include the following :
- Company Profile
- Industry Analysis – SWOT, Value Chain Analysis
- Quarterly / Half Yearly / Annual / Event Update
- Management Profile
- Shareholding Pattern Analysis
- Public Comparable Company Analysis
- Share Price Analysis
- Investment Rationale
- Financial Analysis &Valuation