Tech Investment Ideas For Institutions
Technology is considered one of the fastest growing sectors today. Companies within this domain have provided triple-digit and even quadruple-digit returns over the years.
When we talk about technology here, we have a broad scope ranging from fin-tech, healthcare-tech to traditional IT services and semiconductors as well.
Foresight is absolutely essential in this sector and investors have to identify companies that fit into a new paradigm. After all, the only thing constant in this world is CHANGE … and there is no better sector that explains this proverb better than technology.
We are looking at medium-to-long term technology investment ideas in stocks of all sizes which is why we evaluate various factors such as the tech business model, financial strength, level of innovation, ESG risks, and relative competitive strength.
Another classic problem with technology as a high-growth sector is the ‘problem of plenty’. For example, if all cybersecurity companies are shooting up, which one would be ideal for my portfolio?
We help resolve such dilemmas and provide trade ideas to help build a balanced tech portfolio.
Institutional investors do not have the luxury of time to sift through and analyze all the information associated with technology companies. With an abundance of tech investment ideas, investors can become confused, spreading investments too thinly and ultimately achieving suboptimal returns. To address this issue, Baptista Research has developed what we believe to be the simplest and most effective Technology-Focused Trade Ideas service tailored specifically for institutional investors.
Nature Of Trades: Long only
Duration Of Trade: 6 months to 2 years
Nature Of Stocks: NYSE & NASDAQ listed technology stocks
Risk Management: We provide a stop-loss on every single trade where the stop-loss margin is lower than the expected profitability margin.
Notifications: You get an email notification each time we add a new trade idea or close an old trade idea. However, we DO NOT provide alerts as to when the stock price hits the target/ stop loss point on any given trading day. You are required to have that setting in your trading software/ use a stock price alert service for the same. Please make sure that you change your email settings so as to prevent our mails from getting blocked/ going to the Spam folder or any other unused folder.
Frequency Of Trade Ideas: We do not believe in providing any trade idea unless we have 100% conviction in the same. The number of trade ideas also depend on the market condition. In this service, we look to provide an average of 2-3 stock picks per month.
Performance Track Record: In this product, we consistently deliver an annualized return of over 30%. Here is an example of a profitable investment suggested by us: