Stock Investment Ideas For Medium & Long Term Investors
Family offices and institutional investors with a low risk profile are mostly on the lookout for steady appreciation of their capital/ a steady flow of income in the form of dividend over a period of time.
For these kind of investors, we have specifically designed two trade idea products/ themes that can easily help them achieve their investment objectives.

Name of Product | Nature of Trades | Duration of Trades | Stocks | Risk Appetite | Expected Returns |
Hyper Growth Tech Stars | Long Only | 6 months to 2 years | NYSE & NASDAQ Listed Tech Cos | Medium | 30-50% Annualized |
Classic Dividend & Yield Plays | Long Only | More than 1 year | NYSE & NASDAQ High Yield Cos | Low | 7-14% Yields |
The Contrarian Value Buys | Long & Short | 6 months to 2 years | NYSE & NASDAQ Cos | Medium | 30-40% Annualized |
Hyper Growth Tech Stars is a sector-focused product catering only to technology as a domain. Classic Dividend & Yield Plays is essentially a product focused for retirees and income investors. The Contrarian Value Buys is our most flexible product catering to young medium and long-term investors that are looking to make quality bets but also opportunistic enough to try the occasional short trade and profit from a falling market.
Click on the product links to find a description of the same and find out which trade ideas offering is most suitable for you.
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