Exxon Mobil Corp


SKU: XOM-1-1 Category:


Exxon Mobil Corporation: The Pioneer Expansion & The Expansion of ExxonMobil’s Guyana Operations! 


ExxonMobil’s latest performance paints a promising picture, powered by strategic decisions, cost-saving measures, and a focus on long-term growth avenues. In Q1 2024, ExxonMobil delivered $8.2 billion in earnings and $14.7 billion in cash flow, demonstrating ongoing efforts to enhance the company’s earnings power. The company made big strides in cost savings, achieving $10.1 billion in Q1 compared to 2019, on track to reach their goal of $15 billion in savings by 2027. Capital expenditure for the quarter stood at $5.8 billion, signaling continual investment in growth projects designed to drive future returns.

Our Report Structure:

⦁ Company Overview
⦁ Investment Thesis
⦁ Key Drivers
⦁ Historical Quarterly Statement Analysis – Income Statement & Cash Flows
⦁ Historical Quarterly Balance Sheet Analysis
⦁ Historical Annual Financial Statement Analysis
⦁ Analysis Of Key Financial Ratios
⦁ Financial Forecasts For 3 Years
⦁ Forecasting The Capital Structure & Net Debt
⦁ Discounted Cash Flow Valuation
⦁ Trading Multiples
⦁ Key Risks
⦁ Disclosures

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